New 3D Scanning service!
3D Scanning Service: Introducing our high resolution, digital, 3D scanning service.
Our scanning service captures real world data and converts it into a digital 3D model. It can be used for consumer and commercial applications in manufacturing, engineering, design, development, testing, artwork archival, animation and even human form acquisition. The 3D scanner allows you to use physical objects to better conceptualize an idea or create a starting point for modeling in CAD and other media.Can be used to reproduce parts and create prototypes.
CNC Router Service: We provide CNC router services. Having a large format (5’ x 10’ Camaster Cobra) CNC Router enables us to make large scale, 2-1/2 D and 3D work - in various substrates.
Design Service: In addition to the router capability, we also provide design services using Vectric Aspire 3.5 software. Aspire software is a very capable environment for creating 2-1/2D and 3D tool paths either from scratch or using your vector files. Aspire is able to import vectors and 3D models from many different file types: 2D Vector files - .DXF, .DWG, .EPS, .AI, .PDF 3D models - .V3m, .STL, .DXF, .3DS, .OBJ
Sign Shop Service: We provide our service to sign shops that lack CNC router capabilities or high volume shops in need of extra capacity during busy times. We can supplement current production should your router work-load increase beyond your current capacity or in the cases where maintenance issues limits the use of your own machine.